
Asking for Help

For almost three decades, my church has been sending a team every two years on a short term missions trip to different parts of Africa. Since my family became part of the church community after our move to Omaha 14 years ago, I had been involved in helping each team raise funds for the work to be done while they’re in Africa. But until about seven years ago, I never considered actually going with the team.

The major reason for this was funding.

Each member of the team had to raise funds to pay for all their expenses while on the trip - typically between $4,000 and $5,000. This is usually done by asking friends and family to contribute. If you know me well enough, you’d realize that asking for money from others is something that I would rather not do, to put it mildly. It makes me very uncomfortable. So, I concluded that if I wasn’t able to write a check to cover the entire amount for the trip, it was not  for me.

As a result, every time I was asked to go with each team, my response was the same: “I can’t go because I don’t want to ask people for money.” This continued until about eight years ago. After I gave that response to the pastor who was leading the team on the trip, he grabbed me by my shoulders, looked into my eyes, and said, “Sunday, you just need to swallow your pride and ask for help!


That stung on many levels.

Later that week as I recovered from the sting, I reflected and realized that truly, it was my pride at play. I wanted to present and maintain the appearance that I had everything together when I did not. This was one of the lessons on humility that I learned and which I wrote about in my book, Nothing Higher: Why You Need to Descend in Order to Soar. Since then, I’ve learned to continually deal with this whenever it rears its ugly head.

Also, I know how beneficial it is to give to those who are in need. I write regularly in this newsletter about the importance of helping others and giving our time, talents, and resources to worthy causes. Multiple studies have shown that we’re happier and healthier when we are generous with what we have. Blessings flow in different forms towards those who give.

Then I realized something!

When I shy away from asking for, and receiving help for the missions trip, I’m denying others the opportunity to receive the blessings that would have been theirs as a result of their generosity. I definitely don’t want to do that!

So, why am I sharing all these, you ask. Well, it’s because after a 4-year hiatus due to the pandemic, we’re now preparing for another such trip to Zambia. It’s scheduled for June 2024 and I’m swallowing my pride to ask for your help in funding the trip.

The estimated total amount to be raised by each team member is US$4,000. While I know that some of you can write one check to cover the entire amount, I’m asking that you don’t do that at this time. I would love as many of you as possible to be involved in this so that the blessings that come through giving can reach more people.

If each person can give $100, the amount will be covered with 40 people. But not everyone can afford to give that amount. So, please give as little or as much as you’re able. If all you can afford is $1, $5, $10, $20 or $50, it all adds up. It’s the heart with which you’re giving that matters.

If you’re one of those willing to contribute much higher amounts, please start with the $100 and also let me know privately that you’re able to do more. If there’s still a shortfall as we get closer, I will reach out to you to let you know how you can help further.

Here are the steps you can take to give - please do it now so you don’t forget: 

  • Go to and click on the “ONLINE GIVING PORTAL” button

  • In the “Fund” dropdown list, select “Missions

  • In the resulting “Sub Fund” dropdown, choose “Zambia 2024

  • In the “Note (optional)” box, please enter ‘“For Sunny Faronbi” so they’d know which team member you’re supporting

  • Enter the amount you want to give, fill out your details, and click the “Submit” button


If you prefer to send a personal check, please make it payable to “Bellevue Christian Center” but be sure to include “Zambia 2024/Sunny Faronbi” in the annotation. The mailing address is on the web page I shared earlier.

Finally, whether you’re able to donate or not, if you’re a praying person, please consider praying for me and the team as we prepare for this trip.

I thank you for your generosity, kindness, and support.